The Prostitute
(24 x 30)
The Prostitute comes into play when our survival is threatened. When we negotiate our integrity and corrupt our spirit for financial gain: To stay in an unhappy marriage for the sake of financial security. To debase your talents or ideas for promotion. The Prostitute archetype dramatically embodies and tests the power of faith. If you have faith, no one can buy you. Without faith you will eventually sabotage your own personal ethics. The Reiki symbol on the hair clip is Cho-Ku Rei (cho ku ray) the feminine symbol of power. The spiral shape is found in all natural phenomena, weather patterns, thunderstorms and hurricanes, human DNA and Fibonacci. Clockwise is the direction of invoking and increasing.
This painting is available in alternative giclee print sizes.
Size A: 8 x 10
Size B: 11 x 14